The award is named after Peter Spiliakos. Peter was a cherished husband, father (sons Ari and Kosta pcitured below), friend, active Easton community member and coach and mentor in the Easton Youth Baseball League. Peter passed away on July 11, 2017. This award honors his memory.

The 2020 & 2021 Peter Spiliakos Award Winners
(Announced at the January 3, 2022 EYBL Board Meeting)
2021 Majors Winner - Tyler Haynes & Coach Sean Smith (A's)

2021 Cooperstown Winner - Ben Girard and Coach John Dennison (Twins)

2020 Majors Winner - Connor Hedrick & Coach Tom Corey (Pirates)

2020 Cooperstown Winner - Dylan Israel (Astros) & League President Harry Fitzpatrick